Worship meddley feat. Naana Asiedu

a-z lyrics Lyrics

Ayeyi wura; Awurade, wa heni so; Mon bɔ ose ma y3 hene; Yesu na ɔreba yie...

Ayeyi wura 2×
(Oh King of Praise)
Yeyi waye, na y3 ma wo so
(We praise your name and we lift you high)

Afei meto dwom bi ayii megyefo na y3
(Now I will sing praise unto my redeemer)

Meto ayeyi dwom, ahw3 ne nuoyam
(I will sing praises to glorify him)

Satan wedi nkukuo, Kristo bedi hene
(Satan you have failed!, Christ is the King)

Nyame Agwama, mey3 wo de afebɔ
(Lamb of God, Im forever yours)

Kristo bedi hene daa, Afebɔ
(Christ will forever reign)

(King of Kings)

Nyame Agwama,
(Lamb of God)

Mey3 wo de Afeboɔ
(Im forever yours)

Awurade, wa heni so,
(Lord your reign is great)

Awurade, wo tumi so,
(Lord, your power is great)

Yesu e, hwan na )ne wo s3,
(Jesus, who can compare to you)

Obiara ni hɔ biom,
(There is none available)

Wiase nyinaa y3 wo de
(All the earth belongs to you)

Yesu e, y3 ma wo so
(Jesus, we lift you high)

Ohene Yesu, y3 hyiraaa wo
(King Jesus, we bless you)

Mewura Yesu, y3 koto wo,
(Our Lord Jesus, we bow to you)

Yesu, hwan ma )ne wo s3,
(Jesus, who can compare to you)

Obiara ni hɔ biom, wiase nyinaa y3 wo de
(There is none available, all the earth belongs to you)

Mon bɔ oseeee 2×
(Let us praise)

Mon bɔ oseeee ma y3 hene no
(Let us give praise to our king)

Yesu Kristo mogya adii nkunim ama y3n,
(The blood of Jesus has given us victory)

Mon ma y3 bɔ oseeee ma no
(Let us sing praises unto him)

Mon ma y3 bɔ nose, wa ma y3n dankwa,
(Let us praise him for he has given us external life)

Monto dwom ma Yehowa, Yehowa Yehowa
(Let us sing unto Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah)

Yesu na ɔreba oooo, yieeeee yieeeee
(Jesus is coming)

ɔbeba b3fa yen oooo, yieeeee yieeeee
(He is coming for us)

ɔbeba b3fa y3n na ya kɔdi ahurusi
(He is coming so that we can rejoice)

Y3ne no b3 tena daaa, yieeeee yieeeee
(We will forever remain with him)

Ohene ɔreba oooo 3×
(The king is coming)

(Great warrior)

Obeyi y3 nawerehoɔ, ne y3 nisu
(He will take away our sorrows and tears)

ɔb3 pepa y3n awerehoɔ nyinara
(He will wipe away all our sorrows)

Y3 wɔ oman bi wo hɔ,
(We have a great nation)

Ni mu hyeren f3f3,
(Its interior shines brightly)

Na debi y3 behu Jesus.
(And one day we shall see Jesus)

Akwantu bii wohɔ ay3b3tu,
(There’s a journey we must take)

3ny3 wiase ha, akwantu no bi,
(Its not a journey of the world)

3y3 soro hɔ akwantu na y3 retwen,
(The journey to heaven is what we await)

Anigye b3n na sa da no b3 y3
(What a day of joy it will be)