Ndio – Rehema SimfukweNdio (quand Dieu dit OUI!)

a-z lyrics adaptation de chant Lyrics lyrics_N
Rehema Simfukwe – Ndio (Live Music Video)

Ref. x
Ameamua (He has decidede)
ce qu’il a décidé
nani apinge
nul ne peut le contredire
Baba amesema ndio (the father has said YES)
quand Papa dit Oui
Nani akatae (qui peut le refuser?)
‘Qui peut refuser?’

Couplet x2
Amedhibitisha mimi ni mtoto wake (he has affirmed that i am his child)
il a déclaré que je suis son enfant
Sina mashaka na yeye (I have no doubts with him)
je ne doute pas de lui
Kifo chake msalabani Kilimaliza yote (his deth on the cross finished it all)
sa mort à la croix a tout accompli

pont. (oooo)
Alilosema atalifanya (What hi has said, he wil do it)
Tumemwamini kwa mambo mengi (we have bilieved him for many things)
Baba amesema ndio (the father has said YES)
Nani akatae (qui peut le refuser?)

ref. x2

(Ndio ya ke)
Ndio yake ni ndio (His Yes is sur)
Akishasema amesema (when hi has spoken, it stands)
Baba amesema ndio (the father has said YES)
Nani akatae (qui peut le refuser?)


(Ndio yake)
Ndio yake ni ndio
(Yesu ameamua)
Akishasema amesema
Baba amesema ndio
Nani akatae